John 17:15: "I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep
John 17:15: "I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one." Don’t forget to confess this bible verses over your family and home. I hope you find the bible verses helpful. Kindly visit our website https://beautifulrosesnigeria.org Follow us on all our social media pages / beautifulrosesnigeria / beautifulrosesnigeria https://tiktok.com/beautifulrosesnigeria You can also give to support our work here: https://paystack.com/pay/3xh429qp05 healing scriptures, scriptures for sleeping, God's Promises, Gods promises, bible verses for sleep, time with holy spirit, bible verses, psalms for sleep, bible verse, holy spirit, the holy spirit, christian meditation, bible, scripture meditation, healing scriptures with soaking music, healing prayer, promises of God, scripture sleep meditation, God's Word, Bible, God, Jesus, jesus Christ, sleep with god's word, sleep with gods word, anointed scriptures, anointed scripture,