3 5 2 FORMATION EXPLAINED | Football Tactical Schemes
[Ebook] T.A.F: Building the Model: • TAF: BUILDING THE MODEL The 3-5-2 Formation is one of the most famous tactical schemes in football, largely due to its use by many teams during the 90s, with the success of teams like Bilardo and Maradona's Argentina, who became world champions in 1986, and Scolari's Brazil, who claimed the world title in 2002. The 3-5-2 formation has experienced a revival in recent years and has also found significant application in modern football. In this video, we delve into this tactical system with a bit more detail. 1. Book Total Football - A graphic history of the world's most iconic soccer tactics: https://amzn.to/40kEeK8 2. Coaching Transition Play - Full Sessions from the Tactics of Simeone, Guardiola, Klopp, Mourinho & Ranieri: https://amzn.to/3n6Sbg5 3. Zonal Marking: From Ajax to Zidane, the Making of Modern Soccer: https://amzn.to/40ul84i 4. Football's Principles of Play: https://amzn.to/3FJNLSP 5. Football Tactics and Strategies for Senior Players: https://amzn.to/3FKqFvw Share this video: • 3 5 2 FORMATION EXPLAINED | Football ... 3-5-2 FORMATION EXPLAINED | Football Tactical Schemes