Saturday 30th October 2021: Saturday of Our Lady

Saturday 30th October 2021: Saturday of Our Lady

LIVE STREAMING OF MASSES Sunday: 10:30 am Monday to Wednesday: 8 am & 6 pm Thursday: 8 am Friday: 6 pm Saturday: 8 am & 10:30 am Conversation with Canon Lebocq: "Spirituality and apostolate of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest"    • The CONVERSATION | Canon Lebocq   For your Offertory donation, thank you for using this link: Thank you for your generosity! To celebrate a Mass for a special intention: You can now subscribe to the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest Irish newsletters at this address: Sacred Heart Church Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest The Crescent Limerick V94 HK29 Ireland +353-61-315-812