💫 A TRUE LEADER 💫 | Reaction Mashup | My Hero Academia S1Ep9
FULL REACTION ON MY BOOSTY CHANNEL: https://boosty.to/thegoldenspirit IT'S AVAILABLE FOR EVERYONE! If this link is not clickable, check the comments Reactors: TheFlamingShark, Kickassreaction Link to the All TFS' Reactions: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-j... Kickassreactions Channel:    / channel  TAGS : anime reaction, my hero academia reaction, reaction, anime, mha, my hero academia season 5 reaction, my hero academia episode 1 reaction, my hero academia season 1, my hero academia, my hero academia season 5, anime review, analysis, mha react, animation, first time watching my hero academia, review, my hero academia season 1 finale, mha 1x13 reaction, mha finale reaction, mha react to deku, mha episode, vtuber reacts, first time reacting, aliciaxlife mha, aliciaxlife my hero academia, code geass english dub, code geass season 1, code geass first impression, code geass english sub, lelouch vi britannia, code geass, mecha anime, code geass review, code geass analysis, shonen jump, manga adaptation, code geass characters, manga review, code geass reaction, code geass discussion, code geass episode 1, code geass spoilers, anime reactions, mha 4x1, mha stain fight, mha 4x11 reaction, boku no hero academia, boku no hero academia reaction, manga, deku, my hero academia ending, my hero academia season 6, my hero academia season 2, my hero academia season 3, my hero academia ost, mha reaction, my hero academia season 2 reaction, react, my hero academia 5x14 reaction, my hero academia season 4, my hero academia season 6 reaction, all might, deku vs shigaraki, my hero academia manga, duk reacts, lettsreact, iida, midoriya, bakugo, izuku, todoroki, bakugo one for all, my hero academia 6x11 reaction, mha deku vs todoroki, my hero academia 3x23, faxityy, my hero academia opening, all for one, mha 2x10 reaction, shinso, mha episode 2, mha 2x10, endeavor vs nomu reaction, boku no hero academia reaction video, #reactionvideo, #anime, anime reaction video, yaboyroshi, shigaraki, vocal pineapple academia, vocal pineapple mha, my hero academia reaction video, reacts, couplereaction, boku no hero academia review, jdanime, my hero academia review, my hero, my hero academia season 6 episode 24 reaction, my hero academia s6 ep 24, my hero academia season 6 episode 24, bnha, mha season 6, mha todoroki vs bakugou, hero academia, aoyama traitor, mha traitor, u.a traitor, who is the ua traitor, mha 2x12 reaction, mha 2x12, sports festival, season, cute, jd anime, funny, japan, japanese, couple, uraraka, comedy, hero, all, might, new, ultra, ochako, plus ultra, plus, season 2, moviereaction, vigilante deku, deku writes letters, all for one first quirk user, my hero academia 407, anime balls deep, all for one past, bakugo's letter, deku's letter to bakugo, deku and bakugo switch personalities, bakugo comes back, bakudeku, bkdk, deku ai, izuocha, mha manga, deku becomes number 1 hero, mha end, how did all for one get his power, deku vs bakugo reaction, deku vs bakugo, deku vs todoroki reaction mashup, my hero episode 7 reaction, bakugo and kudo, bakugo return, deku becomes symbol of peace, shigaraki vs deku, bakugo new power, deku #animereaction #myheroacademiareaction #reaction #anime #mha #myheroacademiaseason5reaction #myheroacademiaepisode1reaction #myheroacademiaseason1 #myheroacademia #myheroacademiaseason5 #animereview #analysis #mhareact #animation #firsttimewatchingmyheroacademia #review #myheroacademiaseason1finale #mha1x13reaction #mhafinalereaction #mhareacttodeku #mhaepisode #vtuberreacts #firsttimereacting #aliciaxlifemha #aliciaxlifemyheroacademia #codegeassenglishdub #codegeassseason1 #codegeassfirstimpression #codegeassenglishsub #lelouchvibritannia #codegeass #mechaanime #codegeassreview #codegeassanalysis #shonenjump #mangaadaptation #codegeasscharacters #mangareview #codegeassreaction #codegeassdiscussion #codegeassepisode1 #codegeassspoilers #animereactions #mha4x1 #mhastainfight #mha4x11reaction #bokunoheroacademia #bokunoheroacademiareaction #manga #deku #myheroacademiaending #myheroacademiaseason6 #myheroacademiaseason2 #myheroacademiaseason3 #myheroacademiaost #mhareaction #myheroacademiaseason2reaction #react #myheroacademia5x14reaction #myheroacademiaseason4 #moment #bakugoreact #hawksandendeavorvsnomu #mhaseason4finalereaction #myheroacademiaseason4episode24 #myheroacademiaep88 #prominenceburn #endeavorvshighendnomureaction #endeavorvshighendreaction #myheroacademiaseason4episode25reaction #myheroacademiaseason4episode25 #endeavorvsnomu #myheroacademiaseason4episode24reaction #bakugouraraka #myheroacademiauasportsfestival #finebros #finebrothersentertainment #fbe #watch #finebrothers #thefinebros #quirks #crunchyroll #teensreacttomyheroacademia #teensreact #forthefirsttime #reviews #