DEAD ISLAND 2 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1 -This Game Is Stupidly Fun (FULL GAME NO COMMENTARY)

DEAD ISLAND 2 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1 -This Game Is Stupidly Fun (FULL GAME NO COMMENTARY)

Hey guys hope all of you are doing amazing. This is the start of another new series this time the game of choice being Dead Island 2 which i personally have never played so i am super excited to play it for the first time with all of you guys. But so far in this first episode of the game i am in love with how fun and funny this game is the combat is super fun and flows really well with your movements and the character you play as is also super funny but overall so far the game is a blast and as always i hope you guys enjoy this episode❤️. If you would like to see me play a specific game or do a walkthrough of a specific game please let me know in the comments❤️. Please consider hitting the like and subscribe buttons as well as sharing this with friends and family if you want to it would mean the world to me❤️. Love all you guys and thanks for all the support it means the world to me❤️.