Gymnast Tries Cheerleading!

Gymnast Tries Cheerleading!

Today I am transforming rhythmic gymnast Elena Shinohara into cheerleader in only one day! Can she do it? Go to for 15% off your order, plus free shipping! Brought to you by Raycon Want more? 100 Gymnastics Dares in One Hour -    • 100 GYMNASTICS DARES IN 1 HOUR   Flexibility Challenge vs Ninja Fam -    • KIDS vs ADULTS Flexibility Challenge ...   Flexibility Challenge ft. Salish & Jordan Matter -    • EXTREME FLEXIBILITY CHALLENGE ft/ Jor...   SUBSCRIBE: ‪@annamcnulty‬ ‪@AnnaMcNultyStretches‬ ‪@AnnaMcNultyShorts‬ ‪@elenashinohara‬ ‪@BrittHertz‬ Business Inquires: [email protected]