Jealous Means | English Word Meaning in Hindi | #shorts

Jealous Means | English Word Meaning in Hindi | #shorts

Jealous Means | English Word Meaning in Hindi | #shorts Shorts video for Spoken English in Hindi The following sentences have been explained: Jealous of : से जालना, से ईर्षा करना Why are you so jealous of his success? तुम उसकी सफलता से इतने जलते क्यों हैं? She was jealous of his wealth. वह उसकी दौलत से ईर्ष्या करती थी। I'm very jealous of your new job. मुझे तुम्हारी नई नौकरी से बहुत जलन हो रही है। She was rather jealous of me. बल्कि वह मुझसे ईर्ष्या कर रही थी। Follow us on Facebook :   / englishspeaky   Follow us on Instagram:   / aammp0011   To learn spoken English join my WhatsApp group: #jealousmans #englishwordmeaning #shorts #youtubeshorts #learnenglish #englishspeaky Thank you for watching.