How to Make the Ultimate Egg Salad Sandwich at Home | ChefSteps

How to Make the Ultimate Egg Salad Sandwich at Home | ChefSteps

You’ve maybe never heard “ultimate” and “egg salad” in the same sentence. But we’re sure that once you try this sandwich—where the texture of a katsu sandwich and the flavor of egg salad collide—you’ll totally agree. To view the full recipe along with more ChefSteps specialities, sign up for a StudioPass: In this ultimate egg salad sando, we swap those hard-boiled eggs for a thick egg patty that’s breaded and fried katsu-style. We’re leveling up the textures here. Instead of a sandwich that’s mostly soft, you get to enjoy layers of soft, crisp, and crunch. What you’ll need: Eggs Whole milk Heavy cream Salt Distilled vinegar Sugar Celery Shallots Whole grain mustard Panko bread crumbs All-purpose flour Neutral oil Shokupan (Japanese Milk Bread) Unsalted butter Bibb lettuce Japanese (Kewpie-Style) Mayo Dijon mustard, as needed Get notified and never miss a video by subscribing to the ChefSteps channel: ChefSteps 101 Through science, entertainment, and industry experience, we strive to help every home cook reach their full potential. We are testing dozens of different iterations of each dish to make sure we can give you the ultimate version of each recipe. With over 1000 recipes developed in our kitchen, there's something for everyone. To find out more, visit our website: #Eggs #eggsandwich #ChefSteps #katsu