창덕궁 인정전 둘러 봅니다 5월의 파란 하늘이 아름다운 날 아이와 가볼만한 곳 세계문화유산 고궁여행 서울 여행 서울관광 walk tour🚶♂️Korea 4k [4k hdr]
#창덕궁#인정전 안녕하세요 코리아4k입니다 오늘은 창덕궁 인정전,선정전,희정당,대조전을 둘러 봅니다 넷플릿스 킹덤에도 나오는 인정전 입니다 둘러 보세요 💖이 영상이 마음에 드셨다면, 구독과 좋아요 부탁 드립니다 🙏 산책 일자---2021년 5월9일 오전 10시20분 Hello, this is Korea 4k Today, we will look around Injeongjeon, Seonjeongjeon, Heejeongdang, and Daejojeon in Changdeokgung Palace It is also an acknowledgment exhibition on Netflix Take a look Walk date--May 9, 2021, 10:20 am Google Maps Route - Camera; i Phone 12 Pro Max 넷플릿스-킹덤 촬영지 창덕궁 인정전은 킹덤 촬영지 입니다 중전 계비 조씨가 수렴청정을 선포 하는곳으로 나오죠 창덕궁Changdeokgung Palace, 昌德宮 서울 종로구 율곡로 99 서울 지하철 종로3가 역에서 6번 출구에서 도보로 10분 거리에 위치 안국역 3번출구 매일 09:00 - 18:00 (2월~5월, 9월~10월) 매일 09:00 - 18:30 (6월~8월) 매일 09:00 - 16:30 (11월~1월) 월요일 휴무 사적 제 122호 창덕궁은 유네스코세계문화유산 1405년 지어진 조선시대의 궁궐 창덕궁은 1405년 조선의 제3대 왕 태종이 경복궁의 동쪽에 이궁으로 지은 궁궐이다 이궁이란 나라에 전쟁이나 큰 재난이 일어나 공식 궁궐을 사용하지 못할 때를 대비해 지은 궁궐을 말한다 조선의 왕들은 경복궁보다 창덕궁에서 지내는 것을 더 좋아해, 창덕궁은 조선의 궁궐 중 가장 오랜 기간 왕이 거처했던 궁궐이다 창덕궁 인정전仁政殿 창덕궁의 정전 국보 제225호이다 국가의 중요한 의식을 치르던 곳 인정전은 창덕궁의 정전(正殿)으로서 왕의 즉위식, 신하들의 하례, 외국 사신의접견 등 중요한 국가적 의식을 치르던 곳이다 앞쪽으로 의식을 치르는 마당인 조정(朝廷)이 펼쳐져 있고, 뒷쪽으로는 북한산의 응봉으로 이어져 있다 2단의 월대 위에 웅장한 중층 궁궐전각으로 세워져 당당해 보이는데, 월대의높이가 낮고 난간도 달지 않아 경복궁의 근정전에 비하면 소박한 모습이다 인정전은 겉보기에는 2층이지만 실제로는 통층 건물로 화려하고 높은 천장을 볼 수 있 다 바닥에는 원래 흙을 구워 만든 전돌이 깔려 있었으나, 지금은 마루로 되어있다 전등, 커튼, 유리 창문 등과 함께 1908년에 서양식으로 개조한 것이다 인정문 밖 외행각(外行閣)에는 호위청과 상서원 등 여러 관청들을 두었다 1405년(태종 5)에 창덕궁 창건과 함께 건립되었으나 1418년(태종 18) 박자청에 의해 다시 지어졌고, 임진왜란 때 소실된 것을 1610년(광해 2)에 재건, 1803년(순조 3)에 소실된 것을 이듬해에 복원해 현재에 이른다 외행각 일원은 1991년 이후에 복원했다 인정전은 국보 제225호로 지정되어 있다 Netflix-Kingdom Filming Location Jangjeongjeon in Changdeokgung Palace is a Kingdom filming location Jo is the place where Joongjeon Gyebi declares convergence and cleanliness Changdeokgung Palace, 昌德宮 99, Yulgok-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul Located a 10-minute walk from Exit 6 of Jongno 3-ga Station on the Seoul Subway Anguk Station Exit 3 Daily 09:00-18:00 (February-May, September-October) Daily 09:00-18:30 (June to August) Daily 09:00-16:30 (November to January) Closed on Monday Historic Site No 122 Changdeokgung is a UNESCO World Heritage Site Joseon Dynasty Palace built in 1405 Changdeokgung Palace is a palace built in 1405 by Taejong, the 3rd king of Joseon, to the east of Gyeongbokgung Palace Igung refers to a palace built in case a war or a major disaster occurs in the country and the official palace cannot be used Kings of Joseon prefer to stay in Changdeokgung Palace than Gyeongbokgung Palace, and Changdeokgung Palace is the longest residence of the king among Joseon's palaces Changdeokgung Palace Injeongjeon Changdeokgung Palace It is National Treasure No 225 The place where important national ceremonies were held Injeongjeon is the canon of Changdeokgung, where important national ceremonies were held, such as the crowning ceremony of the king, the ritual of the servants, and the interview with foreign envoys In the front, there is a courtyard where rituals are held, and in the rear, it leads to the retribution of Mt It looks dignified as it is built as a magnificent middle-level palace hall on top of the two-stage Woldae, but the height of Woldae is low and the railing is not too sweet, so it is simpler than that of Geunjeongjeon in Gyeongbokgung Palace Although the Yeonjinjeon Hall is apparently a two-story building, it is actually a full-story building with a gorgeous and high ceiling The floor was originally made of clay, but it is now a floor It was renovated in Western style in 1908 with lights, curtains, and glass windows In the outer haenggak outside the entrance gate, there were several government offices such as the escort office and the Sangseowon It was built in 1405 (Taejong 5) with the establishment of Changdeokgung Palace, but was rebuilt by Park Ja-cheong in 1418 (Taejong 18) It was restored the following year to reach the present Members of the Oehaenggak were restored after 1991 It is designated as National Treasure No 225 Inside before recognition Inside the Injeongjeon Hall, there is a king's dragon statue in front, and behind it is a wooden grain bottle and a folding screen called Ilwol Oakdo (日月五岳圖) behind it On the folding screen, there are the sun and the moon, meaning yin and yang, which again symbolize the king and queen The five mountain peaks below it refer to the five mountains in the east, west, south, north, and center of Korea, meaning the country This also implies that the king governs all sides in the center and conducts politics according to the reason of yin and yang In addition, Western ornaments such as light bulbs and curtains, including glass windows, were installed This means that various foreign cultures came in after diplomatic relations with foreign countries in the Korean language Partial changes took place, such as the floor being turned into and a light bulb installed Thank you for watching💖