Why we should not sleep under trees at night | sleeping under trees at night | unwind science

Why we should not sleep under trees at night | sleeping under trees at night | unwind science

#notgoodtosleepundertreesatnight #lackofoxygen #photosynthesisandrespiration #sleepingundertreesatnight #unwindscience #carbondioxide #oxygen #absenceofsunlight JOURNAL LINK https://www.sciencealert.com/experime... Why is it not good to sleep under trees at night | sleeping under trees at night | unwind science See, you can’t breathe properly, right? I told you its not a good idea to sleep under trees at night It is quite harmful Because of ghost Wait, I will tell you. This is because during the day, in the presence of sunlight Photosynthesis and Respiration occur simultaneously in plants . During photosynthesis Oxygen is released and Carbon dioxide is taken in plants. While in respiration Oxygen is taken in and Carbon dioxide is released. But during the day production of oxygen is more than the production of carbon dioxide. Hence, if we sleep under a tree during daytime, we may get a good amount of oxygen, thus giving us a nice sleep. However, at night, plants do not perform photosynthesis due to the absence of sunlight. But respiration still goes on. Hence, as compared to oxygen, the proportion of carbon dioxide around the trees is more. Thus, if we sleep under a tree at night, we may feel suffocated due to lack of oxygen. For more videos visit    / @unwindscience   did you know facts    • Blue blood animal |Why animal have bl...   differences    • GENES, DNA, INHERITANCE | dna and gen...   9 class biology    • biology class 9 chapter 1 #introducti...   meditation    • Meditation you can do anywhere | Boos...   Contact me on facebook   / unwindscience   #biologyeasylearning #whyisitnotgoodtosleepunderatreeatnight? ##whywedontsleepundertree, #whyoneshouldnotsleepunderthetreeatnight, #WhyYouShouldn'tSleepUnderTreeDuringNight?, #sleepundertreeindaytime, #respirationinplantsclass10, #respirationinplantsclass11, #respirationinplants, #respirationinhumans, #sleepingundertreeatnight,