Catholic TV Mass Online August 28, 2022: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Presider: Fr. Matthew Widder Parish: Catholic Community of Waukesha Choir: St. James TEXT FROM THE HOMILY Recently I was having a conversation with a gentleman, who had just retired from a pretty unique job. I hadn't encountered who had this job before. His job was, he was someone who coordinated high school and college graduations. And that his company helped provide the gowns and the caps. And he mentioned that after he retired his wife was particularly happy about that because they would get a whole room of their house back. And I said, well why do you have to get a whole room of your house back and he explained that in in this room he had to have all kinds of different back up of caps and gowns he had all kinds of like a whole room dedicated to what he called an emergency situation. And I said, what would an emergency situation be? And he said the emergency situation would be a situation where earlier in the year people put down their size of the ideal gown they needed. And many times what would happen, is that when it comes time where the people or the faculty or the students get their gown and all of a sudden they realize that the gown is just does not fit. It does not fit anymore and there's an emergency. And he said what he had to do in these situations, sometimes he'd look at the situation and be like how did you think, how did you think you were going to fit into that? Like it was not matching up with reality. And I mention that because sometimes we have a perception of what reality is in our minds and it's not actually reality. It's not actually reality. And when Jesus talks to us about this reality of humility, this reality of humility, what does the word humility mean? It comes from the root hummus which means to be grounded. To be rooted. To be kind of earthy. To be grounded in reality. So many times when Jesus tells this parable about the person that puts himself in the highest position and then he goes up and he has to leave and go down to the lowest position in embarrassment. I think many times that happens in our own lives when the expectations of ourselves or of those around us do not match up with reality. We set ourselves up for a fall. Many times we're not going to be the ones invited to the banquet but there are other ways that this plays out in our daily life. For example, we might find ourselves where in our minds we want to do all kinds of work, maybe outside, gardening, and landscaping and things but then the reality is, is our age might be so that we simply cannot do that. Like what we want to do in our heart does not match up with reality. And so when that expectation is off we set ourselves up for a fall. We set ourselves up to be disappointed. Sometimes that can happen in a relationship or a marriage. Sometimes one person can have an expectation of what they're going to do around the house. The other has a different expectation. When those expectations don't set up for reality, vroom, we set ourselves up for a fall. Right? We set ourselves up to go to that lowest place. Sometimes it can happen in school too. We might think like, I'm going to get all A's! Well maybe we're not good at all the subjects. We have an expectation but it might not match up with the reality of our skill set. And so we think about reality. We think about humility. Putting ourselves in that lowest place. It doesn't mean lifting ourselves up high, it doesn't mean demeaning ourselves. But humility simply means being grounded in, what is reality. And when we're grounded in what's reality the Lord can surprise us and boost us up a bit. But when we have an unrealistic expectation we set ourselves up right from the start for a fall. And so we pray to be grounded in the reality of our Lord's love. The reality of the Lord's love that always comes through. That always is with us. That never lets us down. Entrance: A Place At the Table Text: Shirley Murray, b. 1931, © 1998 Hope Publishing Co. Tune: Lori True, b. 1961 © 2001 GIA Publications, Inc. Psalm 68: You Have Made A Home For the Poor Text: Psalm 68:4-5, 6-7, 10-11; Rory Cooney, © 1991, GIA Publications, Inc.; refrain trans. © 1969, ICEL Preparation: Instrumental Communion: Here At This Table © 1996, 2000 Janet Sullivan Whitaker and James Maxwell Whitaker. Published by OCP Publications. All rights reserved. Sending Forth: Let Justice Roll Like A River Text: Amos 5:21-24, 8:4, Micah 4:3-4, 6:8, Joel 2:12-14; Marty Haugen, b.1950, © 1991, GIA Publications, Inc. Mass Setting: Mass of Renewal Text © 2010, ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Music © 2009, Curtis Stephan. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Permission to podcast/stream the music in this liturgy obtained from ONE LICENSE, License No. A-718591. www.HeartoftheNation.org