The softest no- knead -no mixer Glazed Donuts| yeast Donuts Better than Krispy Kreme
#doughnuts #recipe The softest no knead no mixer Glazed Donuts| yeast Donuts Better than Krispy Kreme 🔔 Subscribe turn on subtitles! let's make soft homemade doughnuts! subscribe, like and shere. ingredients 400ml of warm milk. 45 g of sugar. 40 g melted butter. mix well. cover and leave for 5 minutes. mixing. 1 egg. mix well. 500g all purpose flour. 1 teaspoon of salt. mix all ingredients well. knead the until it is smooth. place the dough in an oiled bowl. cover with cling film. leave in a warm place for 45 -50 minutes. the dough rose well. release the gas from the dough. roll into one large ball. divide into 2 parts. lightly flatten the dough as shown in the video. cut using donut cutter or any shape moulder. poke hole on the center of the dough. cover and leave for 20 minutes. fry the dough until golden brown. Glaze for Donuts; 75g melted butter. 5 tablespoon of milk. 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence 250 g icing sugar. milk well. thanks for watching. thank you for your time. Music: A New Beginning Musician: Agnese Valmaggia URL: https://filmmusic.io/song/6510-a-new-... License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...