Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra - Samsung RIP off of 2025?
s25 ultra samsung a rip off? #s25ultra #galaxys25ultra #samsunggalaxys25ultra Today we will talk about: s25 ultra samsung, samsung s25 ultra,s25 ultra, galaxy s25 ultra,samsung galaxy s25 ultra, galaxy s24 ultra battery life, s25 ultra battery life test, galaxy s25 ultra battery life, samsung s25 ultra, s25 ultra camera test, s25 ultra vs iphone 16 pro max camera test and more Samsung S25 Ultra - Are you guys happy with the of s25 ultra. Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra REVIEW: Samsung gave us big updates on s25 ultra. But are those updates big enough to even consider going for s25 ultra. People are upset with the features taken away from s25 ultra. And there 2 features which were not added in s25 ultra. The battery life is confirmed for s25 ultra. Yes, s25 ultra battery life test is really good. Just in case if you are thinking about the s25 ultra camera test then it is also done and things are looking good this time for s25 ultra. Source: @MattTalkTech , @LoverOfTech and Techradar Special Thanks to: @MKBHD, @Thetechchap , @MaxTechOfficial and @BooredAtWork Hope you like this video Like and subscribe to this channel for more videos By DKHD