Hijack - Apple TV+ Series Review
Hijack is a NEW Apple TV+ series starring Idris Elba! This is my official Hijack series review! SHARE your Hijack series review and reaction down below! Told in real time, “Hijack” is a tense thriller that follows the journey of a hijacked plane as it makes its way to London over a seven hour flight, and authorities on the ground scramble for answers. Be sure to hit that subscribe button and notification bell to be notified when I upload new movie review and ranking videos! And SMASH that thumbs up button! Follow me on Letterboxd https://letterboxd.com/J_W_M/ WATCH NEXT All 22 Studio Ghibli Movies Ranked: • All 22 Studio Ghibli Anime Movies Ran... SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS! https://www.youtube.com/JustinWatches... Check out my written reviews on Hotchka http://hotchka.com/author/justin-moore Follow me on Facebook: / justinwatchesmovies Follow me on Instagram @JustinWatchesMovies Follow me on Twitter @JWatchesMovies All 23 Red Power Rangers Ranked Worst to Best • All 23 Red Power Rangers Ranked Worst...