Perfect chocolate marble cookies
बिना Maida बिना Mould, Bakery से भी अच्छी Christmas Special Marble Cookies in Kadai | ChocoVanilla #marblecookies #nomaidamarblecookies #attamarblecookies #eegleesscookieswithoutoven Ingredients: Butter - 1/2 cup (100 gm) Powdered Sugar - 1/2 cup (100 gm ) Vanilla Essence - 1/2 tsp Whole Wheat Flour - 1 cup Baking powder - 1/4 tsp Cocoa Powder - 1 tbsp Milk - 3-4 tbsp or as per need Marble cookies , chocolate vanilla cookies , chocolate cookies , vanilla cookies , marble cookies in kadai , Bina maida cookies in kadai , att marble cookies , how to make cookies , biscuits , chocolate biscuits , chocolate vanilla cookies in kadai , homemade cookies , homemade chocolate cookies , vanilla cookies , chocolate and vanilla pinwheel cookies , biscuits raise banter hain , pinwheel cookies , bakery style cookies , eggless cookies , eggless biscuits, atta biscuits , atta cookies , bakery style eggless biscuits recipe , bakery biscuits , biscuits recipe in Hindi , biscuit banane ki Vidhi , cookies recipe in Hindi , eggless biscuits without oven , Bina anda , Bina oven biscuits kaise banayein , बिस्किट्स घर पर कैसे बनाएं , बिस्कुट बनाने की विधि #biscuitrecipeinhindi #biscuitrecipeinmalyalam #biscuitsintelugu Cookiesrecipeinmalyalam #Christmasspecialcookies #nomaidacookies #attacookies #attbiscuits #lockdowncookies #anyonecancookwithdralisha #newyearrecipes #gift #newyearcake Chocolate Biscuits , Vanilla biscuits , Marble biscuits , Almond cookies , nankhatai , Suji biscuits , Iyengar bakery style cookies , eggless biscuits in kadai