Nose Breathing for Sleep and MyoTape, Part 3  |  It's Not Just About Mouth Taping

Nose Breathing for Sleep and MyoTape, Part 3 | It's Not Just About Mouth Taping

Along with the help of Buteyko Clinic's Ruth Gibney, Patrick McKeown explains how important MyoTape is to help stop mouth breathing at night but also how it's only part of the journey to improving our breathing patterns. Our breathing at night is best improved when we work on our breathing during the day with functional breathing exercises, taping the mouth at night works best in conjunction with daily breathing exercises such as those taught by Buteyko Clinic International. MyoTape is available from and the Buteyko Clinic website. Try the free Buteyko Clinic App, available now. 📱 Android Play Store: 📱 Apple store: 🔗 CONNECT WITH Patrick McKeown (Buteyko Clinic International) 💻 Website - 📹 YouTube Channel -    / @buteykoclinicinternational   📸 Instagram - 📱Facebook -   / buteykoclinic   💼 LinkedIn -   / buteyko-clinic-international