The Last of Us™ Part II 20250311040856 - Part 34 - Seattle Day 1 (Abby) - Abby meets Whitney
#TheLastofUsPartII #AbbyandFriends #BarbieHsu #whitney #dugo #xuxiyuan Abby: Hey. Hey, Whitney. WLF Soldier: Oh, hey Abby. What's up. Abby: You know what's going on around here? WLF Soldier: I wish. All I know is they're sending some of us to the hospital. Supply run. Abby: Exciting. WLF Soldier: I know, right. Abby: That game good? WLF Soldier: Really hard. But really good. Got some great tunes too... Abby: Don't let me stop you. WLF Soldier: See you around. Abby: Fuckin' video games. Barbie Hsu! BARBIE HSU! The Walking Dead! Zhi pa wo zi ji hu ai shang ni Xu Xiyuan Oh baby baby baby my baby baby wo jue bu neng shi qu ni Wo ming bai wo yao de ai Zhi pa wo zi ji hui ai shang ni 899/900 2966th video The Last of Us Part II,Patay na si Barbie Hsu!!!,Barbie Hsu,Hsu Hsi Huan,Owen,Mel,FBI Most Wanted,Kenny Crosby,Chicago PD,Jay Halstead,Chris Pratt,The Marine,WWE,Dao Ming Si,Meteor Garden,Jake Carter,2025,naughty dog,dugo,Abby,Joel,Ellie,Tommy,Jesse,Dina,Jackson,Taken,Clive Standen,Jerry Yan,20250311040856,2953,2953rd video,part 34,seattle day 1,abby meets whitney,Lev,The Walking Dead,Jerry,Salt Lake City,Utah,Nora,Manny,Nick,Jordan,Mike, The Last of Us Part II,Abby and Friends,Seattle Day 1,Exploration,Gameplay,Walkthrough,PS4,Patay na si Barbie Hsu!!!,Barbie Hsu,Hsu Hsi Huan,FOB,Nora,Whitney,PS Vita Girl,PS Vita,The Walking Dead,WLF Soldier,Meteor Garden,Zhi pa wo zi ji hui ai shang ni,Qing Fei De Yi,Liu Xing Yu,F4,Wo Jue Bu Neng Shi Qu Ni,Abby,Manny,Mel,Alice,Seraphites,Coins,Conversations,