Third Sunday of Advent | 11 December 2022

Third Sunday of Advent | 11 December 2022

LIVE: Third Sunday of Advent | Sunday Mass presided by, Rev. Fr. Elmer D. Magat, Parochial Vicar of Holy Rosary Parish – Pisamban Maragul. 11 December 2022 | 10:00 A.M ______________________________ Holy Rosary Parish is open to receive direct donations and continuing financial assistance. The Holy Rosary Parish (HRP) is deeply grateful for your spiritual solidarity and greatly appreciative for the donations, offerings, and financial assistance you are sending and are committed to give to the parish. These contributions go directly to and support HRP Parish Work and Mission [for personnel, utilities, and operational funds] and her apostolates, and service through the pastoral and spiritual ministries for the people of Angeles City and its environs. During this time of the pandemic and community quarantines - with public Masses and liturgical services either suspended indefinitely or with highly limited allowed attendance - the direct donations and support of parishioners and the community to the parish are really a great help. We are then appealing to your kind hearts to please continue assisting your parish either personally at the parish office, or through bank and online money transfer apps, for this purpose. HRP gratefully welcomes your donations and continuing assistance which you may kindly send to: METROBANK Account Name: HOLY ROSARY PARISH Account No: 297-7-297526622 GCASH Account Name: NOLASCO FERNANDEZ Account No: 09285207489 CHINABANK Account Name: HOLY ROSARY PARISH FUND Account No: 1363-0000-2756 BPI Account Name: HOLY ROSARY TRUST FUND Account No: 9680-0022-55 PNB Account Name: Curia Sancti Rosarii, Inc. Account No: 202770002435 PNB Account Name: Holy Rosary Parish – Social Action Center Account No: 202770006428 Please send us a copy of deposit slip or money transfer slip via email – [email protected] - for proper acknowledgment of donations. Subject: HRP Donation Dacal pung Salamat! May the good Lord bless you for your generosity in these trying times, protect you, provide for you, and keep each and every one safe, healthy, and sound! #HRP #Advent2022 #PisambanMaragul #WeHealAsOneWeAreOne