How to Use a Nipple Shield

How to Use a Nipple Shield

Breastfeeding with a nipple shield can be beneficial under the right circumstances, with the right guidance, and as a short-term solution. If you are experiencing nipple pain or discomfort and/or your baby has difficulty latching, work with an experienced IBCLC to accurately identify the problem and work towards an efficient and comfortable latch. You should always have a plan for weaning off the nipple shield. We are here to help, in person or virtually, so feel free to reach out anytime for a consultation with our SLP/IBCLC: Nipple shield used in this video: #TickTalkTherapy #nippleshield #breastfeedingpainfree #breastfeedingpain #nippleshieldbreastfeeding #bottlefeeding #feedingtherapy #occupationaltherapy #lasvegastherapy #lasvegasspeech #lasvegasot #tonguetie #ankyloglossia #Babies #infants #infantfeeding #ibclc #slp #infantslp #sucktraining #infantsucktraining #babysucktraining