The Time is Now!

The Time is Now!

13th November 2022 - Homily Extract 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐒π₯𝐲 π„π±π­π«πšπœπ­ - π“π‘πž π“π’π¦πž 𝐈𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐰 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) by Fr. Paul Cheong, OFM. Cap. β€œMaster, when will this happen?” Jesus did not give the specific time nor day of the end of the world. Our role is not to speculate when, but to be prepared always for any eventuality. β€œSo stay awake, because you do not know when the master of the house is coming … if he comes unexpectedly, he must not find you asleep.” - Mk 13:35-37 Start living a Jesus-driven life now. The time is now! #SFAHomilyExtract