KL City to Melaka Travel 🇲🇾 | TBS Bus Terminal | Day 3 | The Lone Telugu Traveler and Explorer- LTTE
KL City to Melaka Travel 🇲🇾 | TBS Bus Terminal | Day 3 | The Lone Telugu Traveler and Explorer - LTTE @TheLTTEoriginal #melaka #bus #malacca #worldheritage #worldheritagesites #heritage #melakafood #melakavideo #tbs #terminalbus #busterminal #bustravel #klsentral #nusentral #rapidkl #klia #train #trains #travel #tour #tourism #tourismmalaysia #travel #traveler #traveller #lttetraveler #lttetraveller #lonetelugutraveler #lonetelugutraveller #mustwatch #mustvisit #mustvisitplaces #tourism #theltte #solotravel #solotrip #solotraveller #kualalumpur #malaysia #india #indian #travelvlogs #telugutravelvlogs #telugutraveler #worldtravelers #traveling #travelling #telugu #worldtravel #worldtraveler #telugutraveller #kualalumpurmalaysia #klcity #tour #tourist #touristattraction #touristspot #touristdestination #tourists #touristplaces Telugu Brand New Travel Vlogging Channel The LTTE - Lone Telugu Traveler and Explorer Malacca - located in the southern region of the Malay Peninsula, facing the Strait of Malacca. Malacca City - listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 7 July 2008. The state's name dates to a popular legend surrounding the founding of the Malacca Sultanate by Parameswara, who sought a new location to establish a kingdom after fleeing a Majapahit invasion of Singapura. Malacca was ceded to the British in the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824 in exchange for Bencoolen on Sumatra. From 1824 to 1942, Malacca was under the rule of the British, first by the East India Company and then as a crown colony. Due to dissatisfaction with British jurisdiction over Naning, Dol Said, a local chief, fought the East India Company in a war from 1831 to 1832, which resulted in a decisive British victory. It formed part of the Straits Settlements, together with Singapore and Penang. Malacca went briefly under the rule of Empire of Japan between 1942 and 1945[37] during World War II.