03/23/2025 3rd Lenten Sunday Service
Thank you for joining us for this service! To make your tithes and/or offerings follow the link below: https://www.stormlakepresby.org/give 00:00:00 GATHER 00:01:00 WELCOME 00:03:12 PRELUDE “Tree of Life and Awesome Mystery” 00:06:30 CALL TO WORSHIP & GATHERING PRAYER 00:07:44 HYMN “I heard the Voice of Jesus Say” 00:10:34 CALL TO CONFESSION & PRAYER OF CONFESSION 00:11:30 RESPONSE “Change My Heart, O God” 00:12:55 ASSURANCE OF PARDON 00:13:15 SONG OF PRAISE “Awesome God” 00:13:58 THE PEACE 00:15:48 HYMN “Spirit of The Living God” 00:17:05 CONVERSATIONS WITH CHILDREN & YOUTH 00:26:00 HYMN “Spirit of The Living God” 00:27:07 PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION 00:27:33 Old Testament Isaiah 55: 1-9 00:29:10 Responsive Reading Psalm 63: 1-8 00:31:30 MINISTRY IN MUSIC “Precious Peace in the Valley” Tower Bells 00:36:00 Gospel Reading Luke 13: 1-9 00:37:50 SERMON 00:54:23 AFFIRMATION OF FAITH Apostles’ Creed (Traditional) 00:55:25 PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE 01:00:55 LORD'S PRAYER 01:01:25 INVITATION TO A TIME OF REFLECTION 01:02:28 MUSIC FOR REFLECTION “As the Deer Runs to the River” 01:05:17 PRAYER OF DEDICATION 01:05:51 HYMN “I'm Gonna Live So God Can Use Me” 01:08:08 CHARGE & BENEDICTION 01:08:33 POSTLUDE “Drawn to the Cross”