Gait Exam: Anatomy
FOR THE COMPLETE NEUROLOGIC EXAM TUTORIAL PLEASE VISIT: https://neurologicexam.med.utah.edu/ The "NEUROLOGIC EXAM VIDEOS AND DESCRIPTIONS: AN ANATOMICAL APPROACH" uses over 250 video demonstrations with narrative descriptions in an online tutorial. It presents the anatomical foundations of the neurologic exam and provides examples of both normal and abnormal conditions as exhibited by patients. VIDEO SECTIONS (0:00) Introduction (0:30) Localizing Value VIDEO SECTION DESCRIPTIONS (0:00) Introduction All levels of the neuroaxis contribute to gait although most gait abnormalities are motor in nature. In assessing gait it is important to not only watch the lower extremities but also the upper extremities for normal associated movements. (0:30) Localizing Value There are 7 basic pathological gaits that should be recognized by their characteristic pattern. These pathological gaits are: -Hemiplegic -Spastic diplegic -Neuropathic -Myopathic -Parkinsonian -Chorea -Ataxic These gaits have localizing value because they can indicate levels (an "y" axis as well as an "x" axis) of neurological disease or systems abnormalities (such as cerebellar or basal ganglia). Normal gait is demonstrated in the normal neuro exam section of this tutorial. The pathological gaits are demonstrated in the abnormal neurological exam section. COPYRIGHT NOTICE The authors and contributors to the NeuroLogic Exam website (https://library.med.utah.edu/neurolog...) and Pediatric NeuroLogic Exam website (https://library.med.utah.edu/pedineur...) retain copyright to all material, including movies, and request acknowledgement whenever it is used. For more information visit: https://neurologicexam.med.utah.edu/a...