Morning Prayer – PSALM 91: the Powerful Prayer For a Blessed Day
Morning Prayer – PSALM 91: the Powerful Prayer For a Blessed Day almighty lord god, on this new day that you have prepared, i come before you with my heart full of gratitude and reverence. you are the most high god, my refuge and my fortress. you are the rock on which i build my life, the safe shelter in the midst of storms, the shadow that protects me from the scorching heat of daily struggles. father, before anything else, i want to thank you for this day that begins. thank you for the breath of life, for the dawn that reflects your glory, and for the privilege of being here, in your presence, seeking your care and protection. beloved father, in this moment i take refuge in the shelter of the most high, where no force of this world can harm me. i want to remain under your shadow, lord, because it is there that i find rest for my soul and protection against visible and invisible dangers. you are the wall around me, the shield that surrounds and guards me. when i look at the promises of your psalm, my heart overflows with confidence, for i know you deliver your people from the snare of the enemy and from the devastating diseases that lurk in the dark. i clothe myself, lord, with your truth, which is like a shield and armor. i know that your faithfulness never fails, and so i will not fear the dangers of the night, nor the arrows that fly by day. i declare in faith that even if challenges multiply around me, i will still be safe because you have promised: "no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling." father, fill my heart with peace, for i know that your angels are around me, guarding each step i take, sustaining me in your hands so that i do not stumble along the way. lord, in the midst of this world’s uncertainties, i choose to trust in you. i declare that you are my god, my unshakable fortress. your word in psalm 91 gives me security and peace, and i proclaim: "he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty." beloved father, today i place myself under your wings, seeking shelter in you. i know that in your presence there is rest, peace, and protection, even in the face of the greatest adversities. deliver me, lord, from the hidden traps that may cross my path. protect me from visible and invisible dangers, from hurtful words, from the enemy's attacks, and from wrong decisions that may divert me from your purpose. i trust in you because i know that "you will deliver me from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence." beloved father, in your presence i find security that no earthly force can offer. i know you are my shield against the assaults of evil and the shelter that protects me from life’s storms. you have promised that "no evil shall befall you," and i hold on to this truth with all the faith in my heart. deliver me, lord, from the traps i cannot see, from the shadows that try to reach me, and guide my steps in paths of righteousness and peace. allow your angels to encamp around me as celestial guardians who sustain and lead me on safe trails. may they lift me up in their hands, as your word says, so that i do not stumble over any obstacle in my path. father, i trust in your promise: even though i walk through dark valleys, i will fear no evil, for you are by my side, being the light that dispels all darkness and the strength that keeps me standing firm. lord, cover me with your feathers. let me find refuge under your wings of love. your faithfulness is a shield that protects me and a weapon that defends me. i will not fear the terror that stalks by night, nor the arrows that fly by day. i will not fear the pestilence that moves in the darkness, nor the destruction that ravages at noon. father, even if a thousand fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, i declare in faith: i will not be harmed, for you are with me. lord, fill my heart with confidence. give me strength to face the challenges of today. teach me to walk with wisdom, speak with love, and act with compassion. father, i know your word is true and faithful. you have promised that the angels of heaven are sent to care for us. therefore, i cry out: send your angels to guard me. may they walk beside me, sustain me, and keep me from stumbling. lord, as it is written in your psalm, you are "my fortress, my god, in whom i trust." for this reason, i surrender every detail of my life and those i love to you. cover us with your wings of love, like a mother protecting her young, and guard us from all evil that may surround us. you promised that "no plague will come near our tent," and i declare this truth over my home and over every life under your care. father, guide us on the path of righteousness and deliver us from stumbles, for only in you do we find secure direction. may your angels, sent by you, form an army around us, surrounding us with protection, walking ahead and behind us, watching every #psalm91 #morningprayer #jesuschrist