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The story continues with Season 2 of our Telltale Games: The Walking Dead series with a thrilling story full of twists and turns. In this game, the decisions that TCP_Affy_1202 makes affects the outcome of the story and every character's fate. This gameplay will be broken down into parts due to the length of content and for viewing purposes. Gameplay was captured by TCP_Affy_1202. If you enjoyed the video drop a like and a comment as it would be much appreciated! Don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already! For daily/weekly live streams, please follow our Facebook Gaming page to stay connected! Subscribe to our Channel Here! ย ย ย /ย @twistedchainzproduction9717ย ย  Follow us on Social Media: Facebook: ย ย /ย officialtwistedchainzย ย  Facebook Gaming: Twisted Chainz #TCP #twistedchainzproduction #telltalegames #thewalkingdead