Holocaust Education
This week, Katie takes the lead in a discussion of one of her passions-- Holocaust education. As with many difficult historical topics, there are dos and don'ts to keep in mind, and your hosts will help you navigate these discussions with your students and peers. Katie's focus on Holocaust education has given her the chance to discover a multitude of high-quality classroom teaching resources, and she also outlines a few of the best professional development opportunities for educators who wish to deepen their understanding of the Holocaust and related world events. Thanks for listening! The Olga Lengyel Institute For Holocaust Studies And Human Rights (https://www.toli.us/) Five Chimneys: The Story of Auschwitz (Paperback) By Olga Lengyel (https://www.bookloft.com/book/9781774...) CANDLES Holocaust Museum and Education Center (https://candlesholocaustmuseum.org/ed...) Surviving the Angel of Death: The True Story of a Mengele Twin in Auschwitz (Paperback) By Eva Mozes Kor and Lisa Rojany Buccieri (https://www.bookloft.com/book/9781939...) The Story of Eva Mozes Kor (https://www.thestoryofeva.com/educati...) United States Holocaust Memorial Museum YouTube Channel ( / holocaustmuseum ) United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Professional Development Opportunities (https://events.ushmm.org/profile/form...) Yad Vashem The World Holocaust Remembrance Center (https://www.yadvashem.org/) Memorial de la Shoah - What is the Shoah? (https://www.memorialdelashoah.org/en/...) USC Shoah Foundation - Virtual History Archive Online (https://sfi.usc.edu/what-we-do/collec...) USC Shoah Foundation - IWitness (https://iwitness.usc.edu/home) Echoes and Reflections (https://echoesandreflections.org/teach/) Irena Sendler (https://irenasendler.org/) Night by Elie Wiesel (https://www.bookloft.com/book/9780374...) Unpacking (Steam) (https://store.steampowered.com/app/11...) Medium - "The Original Big Short Squeeze" by Grace Huang ( / the-original-big-short-squeeze )