Exploring the COLOURS and FLAVOURS of a RURAL CAMBODIAN MARKET | Siem Reap 🇰🇭

Exploring the COLOURS and FLAVOURS of a RURAL CAMBODIAN MARKET | Siem Reap 🇰🇭

Link to other channels in the video - please check them out: Sean:    / @frugalwanderer   Naomi:    / @naomi_nomad   Luke & Naomi:    / @twomadexplorers   Luke:    / @thelostirishman   Homestay Link: https://www.airbnb.com.sg/rooms/16838... Host's Number: +85593583689 (whats app) Today we are going for a little walk around this market in rural Cambodia! Come along with us for a market tour. This market is located in Pouk which is about a 20 minute drive away from Siem Reap city. The market here is not a tourist market and is a bit of a hub for locals to get everything from pots and pans, to food, coffee, fresh produce & even a wet market. Hopefully you enjoy this video & please remember to like and subscribe to the channel. F&S 00:00 - Coming Up... 00:35 - What we doin? 01:20 - Local Market tour Begins... 03:31 - Khmer Barbecue & Street food 04:50 - Fish Market 06:33 - The More Traditional side of Cambodia... 07:24 - This Aunty is FISHY 08:04 - Prahok 09:04 - A Friendly Local man 09:27 - Cats & Funny Aussies? 12:35 - Running into NAOMI NOMAD! 13:32 - Grab a COFFEE 16:23 - Hey guys, Sean here! 17:09 - What is this Khmer Dessert? 17:55 - Barang Trying Khmer Barbecue 18:40 - Why some women shave their heads. 19:11 - Thrift shopping 20:38 - Like & Subscribe Music - Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/track/9... https://www.epidemicsound.com/track/L... 🤙 Buy us a coffee (or energy drink)☕️: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/francsarah 💰💰💰 Wise card referral link: https://wise.com/invite/ihpc/stratton... #travelcouple #siemreap #cambodia #travelcambodia #traditionalmarket #artisan #khmer #khmerfood #streetfood #cambodianfood #culture #streetfoodculture #ruralcambodia #cambodianfoods 🌏 Travelling the world is our passion - currently in MALAYSIA 🤙 Follow along to see our journey ⛓️ Link to Franc's Drone channel - Drone On/ @droneonyt ✅ He'd appreciate a like and subscribe ✅ 🖤 We would love to hear from you, leave a comment. 📧 Or email: [email protected] For any other enquiries :) 🙌 Thanks for watching! F&S.