No Time Left - The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 5 Movie

No Time Left - The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 5 Movie

Video Game by Tell Tale Games ( Follow the story of Lee and Clementine as they survive the zombie apocalypse with their companions Kenny, Ben, Omid, and Christa. Lee has been bitten and Clementine has been kidnapped. The clock is ticking to find Clementine and escape Savannah. A horde of undead that followed their train into Savannah hasn't made matters any easier. Can they escape Savannah or will this be their final stand? Stay tuned past the credits or both a special ending and an easter egg to for the finale episode of Season 1. This is the first season and fifth and final episode in the Walking Dead TellTale Series. We play through this game using the Xbox 360 and use best settings and choices to provide fun and acquire goals while removing the cut scenes and walking sections so all you get is raw game play with a more full movie cartoon feel for those just looking to be entertained by the game. If you like this checkout the playlist:    • The Walking Dead - Telltale Games Series   The youtube is:    / vipprimo   Instagram @ Twitter @ Clothing provided by