aespa 에스파 'Spicy' MV | Reaction

aespa 에스파 'Spicy' MV | Reaction

Let us know what you think? Do you like this song? How was the performance? Which part is your favorite part out of this whole video? DO NOT OWN COPYRIGHTS! Like , Comment below 👇🏽👇🏽 , & Subscribe Original Video:    • aespa 에스파 'Spicy' MV   Intro 🎵: BrunoFromThe2ndFloor - Instagram: BeechBoyz:   / beechboyztv   Sleeze:   / stephanejuene   Kev:   / kevv4real_   Karv:   / kaptured.moment   Chubbz:   / _just.chubbz   Brad:   / mr.rarebreed   Go cop some RareBreed Merch while you’re here! If you’re also looking for a photographer & videographer, book with Kaptured Moment! Also check out Kaptured Moment's personal channel to keep up with the new music videos, vlogs, & more! Also check out Kevvv's personal channel to keep up with the pranks and giveaways