Can Chia Seeds help in weight gain?
Can Chia Seeds Help in Weight Gain? • Discover the truth about chia seeds and weight gain in this informative video! Learn about the nutritional profile of chia seeds and how they can be a valuable addition to a weight-gain strategy. Find out how chia seeds can help increase your overall calorie intake and support weight gain if consumed as part of a calorie-controlled diet. Don't miss out on the potential benefits of this superfood! 00:00 • Can Chia Seeds help in weight gain? 00:22 • What are Chia Seeds? 00:46 • Nutritional Profile of Chia Seeds 01:15 • Chia Seeds and Weight Gain 01:36 • Caloric Density and Weight Gain 02:12 • Nutrient Density and Weight Gain 02:41 • Incorporating Chia Seeds into Your Diet