US Navy Blue Angels 2023 High Show
The US Navy Blue Angels perform a high show at the 2023 NAS Key West Southernmost Air Spectacular airshow in Florida. Look for Lt. Amanda Lee, the team's first female pilot in the Delta, in the cockpit of Blue Angel #3! 0:00 - Taxi out 1:06 - Diamond Takeoff and Squirrel Cage 3:31 - Dirty Roll/Low Transition Takeoffs 4:35 - Diamond 360 (Diamond Photo Pass) 5:10 - Opposing Flat Pass 5:39 - Diamond Roll 6:13 - Opposing Inverted to Inverted Rolls 6:35 - Diamond Aileron Rolls 7:07 - Fortus 7:50 - Diamond Dirty Loop 8:46 - Minimum Radius Turn 9:33 - Double Farvel 10:05 - Opposing Minimum Radius Turn 10:58 - Echelon Parade 11:29 - Opposing Horizontal Rolls 12:00 - Changeover Roll 12:21 - Sneak Pass 13:09 - Line Abreast Loop 14:18 - Opposing Four-Point Hesitation Rolls 14:46 - Vertical Break 15:45 - Opposing Split-S 16:43 - Barrel Roll Break 17:5 2 - Double Tuck Over Roll 18:12 - Low Break Cross 19:12 - Section High Alpha Pass 20:03 - Burner 270 21:35 - Delta Roll 22:20 - Fleur De Lis 23:19 - Loop Break Cross 24:45 - Delta Breakout 25:24 - Delta Pitchup Break to Land 25:50 - Taxi In (Thanks Simba!) To find airshows and aircraft-related events near you, check out our airshow event calendar! https://airshowstuff.com/v4/airshow-c... Follow us on IG and FB - @airshowstuff