Eggless chocolate cake | no oven | no cake mix | no blender | step by step 🎂 tutorial

Eggless chocolate cake | no oven | no cake mix | no blender | step by step 🎂 tutorial

assalam u alaikum everyone ❤️ ingredients: sooper biscuits (3 packets) milk powder (3 spoon ) coco powder (4 spoon) milk (1 cup ) powder suger (3 spoon) cooking oil (3 spoon ) baking powder (1 spoon) vinegar (1 spoon) umeed karti hu ap sab ko ya recipe pasand ae gi if you like my today's video 📷 then give it a thumbs up 👍 and don't forget to subscribe my channel and also click on the notification bell 🔔 so your phone gets a notification whenever I upload my video Thanks for watching 🤗