Number Song | Learn Numbers 1 to 10 | Learn Counting For Children And Toddlers | English Education
Join us in this exciting video as we Learn Numbers in a very fun way. Learning Numbers Song For Kids. Are you ready? Let’s get started! Counting numbers! One, Two, Three .... ---- ★ Lyrics (Verse 1 – Let's Start Counting!) 🚗 One little car goes zoom, zoom, zoom! 🚕 Two yellow taxis with lots of room! 🚙 Three big buses rolling by, 🚓 Four police cars—flashing lights so high! (Pre-Chorus – Get Ready!) 🎶 Beep beep! Vroom vroom! Counting cars, let’s go zoom! (Chorus – Catchy & Fun!) 🎶 1-2-3, come count with me! 4-5-6, the cars go quick! 7-8-9, they’re zooming fine, 10 cars racing down the line! (Verse 2 – More Cars to Spot!) 🚛 Five big trucks honk honk loud! 🚜 Six slow tractors working proud! 🏎️ Seven race cars speeding fast, 🚌 Eight school buses rolling past! (Bridge – Getting Exciting!) 🚐 Nine cool vans on a long, long ride, 🚒 Ten fire trucks—sirens bright outside! (Final Chorus – Super Catchy!) 🎶 1-2-3, come count with me! 4-5-6, the cars go quick! 7-8-9, they’re zooming fine, 10 cars racing down the line—VROOOOM! 💨🎉 ---- ❤️ FOLLOW US ON SOCIALS - ★ Instagram - / mellymello.english ★ TikTok - / mellymello.english ✅MellyMello is a trusted space where play meets education. ✅Enjoy educational songs for preschool kids created by experts in children's education. #Nurseryrhymes #Kidslearning #cartoon #kidssong #Toddlers #funny #education #kids #learning #numbers #counting #1to10 #songs #songsforkids #animation #learncounting #countingsongs #kidscountingsong #kidssong #numbersong #kidsvideo #kidslearningvideos #123 #count1to10 #count123 #numbers1to10 #kidscounting