How-to Fix Your Ugly Lawn With This Single Lawn Application

How-to Fix Your Ugly Lawn With This Single Lawn Application

Ugly Lawn? Fix your ugly lawn this this new weed and feed available at every big box store in the country. It's a special weed and feed meant for those of you who are just starting out and need to hit a "reset" button to jump start the lawn back to health. If you are brand new to lawn care and want to learn all the basics, I created this course just for you: I have taught tens of thousands of DIYers how to have a nice lawn and this training is the best I've made yet - I know it may seem strange that some dude made a full video course on DIY lawn care but I assure you, I take this very seriously and care about helping you achieve success for real. Video on how to measure your lawn:    • Measuring The New Lawn - Property Map...   Lawn Measuring Tool : Numbers on the bag of fertilizer video:    • How To Choose The Right Lawn Fertiliz...   :50 Ugly Lawns 1:20 Quick Fix 2:32 You Will Not Burn The Lawn 4:11 Gathering Data 9:20 Test Area 9:47 Spreader Recommendation 11:12 Miracle Product 15:59 Pounds on the Ground 19:36 How To Apply It 25:45 Before and After Lawns ----------------- Just beginning and a bit confused? This training is as close as you can get to having me coach you personally: Use Code: “YouTube” and get lifetime access for just $7 Get weekly lawn tips via email - my best content is here: Get a free lawn plan via the Yard Mastery app: #LawnCare #Ugly #Lawn