OSSSC RI ARI Amin SFS LI Mathematics || Time Speed and Distance || Day-24
Hello everyone welcome to the official YouTube Channel of Sanjay Kumar Rout / SKRclassroom. š“ą¬ą¬”ą¬¼ą¬æą¬¶ą¬¾ą¬° Aspirant ą¬®ą¬¾ą¬Øą¬ąą¬ ą¬Ŗą¬¾ą¬ą¬ Best Video š All Links š š± Telegram: https://t.me/sanjaykumarrout Playlist links: šÆš¬OSSSC RI ARI AMIN And other 2023 Math Playlist: Ā Ā Ā ā¢Ā RIĀ ARIĀ AMINĀ SFSĀ -2023Ā MathematicsĀ Ā šÆš¬OSSSC PEO and JA 2023 Math Playlist:Ā Ā Ā ā¢Ā OSSSCĀ PEOĀ andĀ JAĀ MathematicsĀ SuperĀ Cl...Ā Ā Book Links: 1. Math book1: https://amzn.to/3hLIhhE 2. Math book2: https://amzn.to/3jdHoif 3. Math book3(SSC Prev. Yr): https://amzn.to/3HYeehx 4. Math book4: https://amzn.to/3WjuJZV 5. Reasoning book: https://amzn.to/3YX3dmT 6. GK book1: https://amzn.to/3hPYfrd 7. GK book2: https://amzn.to/3Wm26v1 Gadget Links: 1. Microphone 1: https://amzn.to/3PMhPB2 2. Microphone 2: https://amzn.to/3BYfFc2 3. Microphone 3: https://amzn.to/3GfuMQO 4. PenTab: https://amzn.to/3WledIU 5. Tablet: https://amzn.to/3YLHUVa 6. Best Laptop at low cost (for your preparation) : https://amzn.to/3PMVfZ0 Playlist links: šÆš¬OSSSC PEO and JA 2023 Math Playlist:Ā Ā Ā ā¢Ā OSSSCĀ PEOĀ andĀ JAĀ MathematicsĀ SuperĀ Cl...Ā Ā šÆš¬OSSSC PEO and JA 2023 Odia Grammar Playlist: Ā Ā Ā ā¢Ā OSSSCĀ PEOĀ &Ā JAĀ OdiaĀ Grammar.Ā PEOĀ &Ā JA...Ā Ā šÆš¬OSSC CGL 2022-23 Math Playlist: Ā Ā Ā ā¢Ā OSSCĀ CGLĀ MathematicsĀ 2022-23Ā Ā šÆš¬Police SI math Playlist: Ā Ā Ā ā¢Ā PlaylistĀ Ā šÆš¬Zail Warder Math Play List: Ā Ā Ā ā¢Ā PlaylistĀ Ā šÆš¬WEO Math Play List: Ā Ā Ā ā¢Ā PlaylistĀ Ā Best Video For OSSC CGL, PEO, JAIL WARDER, WEO, POLICE SI And Other Odisha Govt Exams. This Video contains a Detail Analysis of Ratio and Proportions (Math). Video is ultimately needed for All types of Odisha Govt Competitive exams. #sanjay_kumar_rout #skrclassroom #odisha_govt_exams #math_videos #math_playlist_by_sanjay_sir #skr_classroom #skr_class_room #sanjaykumarrout #sanjaysir #sanjay_sir #osssc_peo_math_playlist #ossc_cgl_math_playlist #jail_warder_playlist #weo_odisha_playlist #police_si_odisha_math_playlist #probability_by_sanjay_sir #probability_class #probability_for_ossc_cgl #ossc_cgl #odisha #sanjay_kumar_rout #sanjay_kumar_rout_mathematics #mathematics_by_sanjay_sir#reasoning_by_sanjay_sir #aso_reasoning_by_sanjay_sir #probability_class #probability_for_aso_odisha #aso_mathematics_playlist #aso_probability_short_tricks #ASO_PYQ #aso_pyq_math #math_paper_previous_year_aso #math_paper_previous_year_aso_opsc #math_paper_previous_year_aso_secreteriet #math_paper_previous_year_aso_secretariat #math_discussion_aso_odisa #aso #aso #aso #aso #aso #aso#aso #aso #aso#aso #aso #aso#aso #aso #aso#aso #aso #aso#aso #aso #aso#aso #aso #aso#aso #aso #aso_opsc #aso_odisha #aso_math #opsc_aso_math #opsc_aso_reasoning #opsc_preparation_stratergies #aso_preparation #aso_preparation_trick #math_syllabus for_opsc_aso #math_analysis_for_aso #sanjay_kumar_rout #aso #aso_odisha #aso_orissa #aso_secretariat #aso_secreteriet #aso_orissa #aso_gk #aso_static_gk #aso_odisha_gk #aso_previous_year #highcourt_aso #aso_highcourt #ossssc_exam #assistant_ri #group_c_exam_odissa #gk_previous_year #math_syllabus_for_aso #odia #odisha #odisha_aso #kabi_o_upadhi #name_and_title_given_to_odisha_personal #group_c_exam_odisha #group_c_exam_orissa #opsc #opsc_aso #odisha_famous_writer_and_their_name #pyq_of_aso #aso_pyq #previous_year_question_of_secretariat_aso #Previous_year_gk_question #previous_year_history_question #previous_year_general_knowledge #odisha_gk #odia_gk #aso_form_fillup_opsc #aso_odia_grammar_questions #aso_odia_grammar_syllabus #kabi_o_upadhi #group_c #ASO_PYQ #aso_pyq_math #math_paper_previous_year_aso #math_paper_previous_year_aso_opsc #math_paper_previous_year_aso_secreteriet #math_paper_previous_year_aso_secretariat #math_discussion_aso_odisa #aso #aso #aso #aso #aso #aso#aso #aso #aso#aso #aso #aso#aso #aso #aso#aso #aso #aso#aso #aso #aso#aso #aso #aso#aso #aso #aso_opsc #aso_odisha #aso_math #opsc_aso_math #opsc_aso_reasoning #opsc_preparation_stratergies #aso_preparation #aso_preparation_trick #math_syllabus for_opsc_aso #math_analysis_for_aso #sanjay_kumar_rout #aso #aso_odisha #aso_orissa #aso_secretariat #aso_secreteriet #aso_orissa #aso_gk #aso_static_gk #aso_odisha_gk #aso_previous_year #highcourt_aso #aso_highcourt #ossssc_exam #assistant_ri #group_c_exam_odissa #gk_previous_year #odia #odisha #odisha_aso #group_c_exam_odisha #group_c_exam_orissa #opsc #opsc_aso #odisha_famous_writer_and_their_name #pyq_of_aso #aso_pyq #previous_year_question_of_secretariat_aso #Previous_year_gk_question #previous_year_history_question #odisha_gk #odia_gk #aso_form_fillup_opsc #aso_odia_grammar_questions #aso_odia_grammar_syllabus #kabi_o_upadhi #group_c_exam_odiss