FREE ₹5 Lakhs Health Insurance #finance #shorts

FREE ₹5 Lakhs Health Insurance #finance #shorts

FREE ₹5 Lakhs Health Insurance #finance #shorts Free health insurance for senior citizens! The government just launched the Ayushman Vaya Vandana Card, providing free health coverage for everyone above 70, no matter their income level. Here’s everything you need to know: 1️⃣ Immediate coverage – There’s no waiting period, so seniors can access treatment from the very first day. 2️⃣ Only Aadhaar required – Just complete the KYC with Aadhaar, and once approved, you can download the card for instant access to benefits. 3️⃣ Universal access – All seniors over 70 are eligible for free treatment in hospitals, whether they’re from a low, middle, or high-income group. Save this video, and if you have a senior citizen at home, go apply for this card—it could be invaluable for future healthcare needs! [free health insurance for senior citizens, Ayushman Vaya Vandana Card, health insurance for 70+ in India, government health scheme for seniors, Ayushman Bharat PMJAY senior citizen scheme, free hospital treatment for elderly, Ayushman Vaya Vandana Card benefits, how to apply for Ayushman Vaya Vandana Card, CA Sakchi Jain] #ayushmanvayavandanacard #healthinsurance #seniorcitizenscheme #freehealthcare #governmentbenefits #seniorcitizensupport #ayushmanbharat #healthinsuranceforseniors #casakchijain