GOODBYE MORIOH! | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4: Diamond Is Unbreakable Episode 39 Anime Review

GOODBYE MORIOH! | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4: Diamond Is Unbreakable Episode 39 Anime Review

GOODBYE MORIOH! | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4: Diamond Is Unbreakable Episode 39 Anime Review SUBSCRIBE-    / chrisistalkin   TWITTER-   / chris_is_talkin   ANIME AMINO-CHRIS_IS_TALKIN Well we have come to the end of this arc and this series and it is now the end of Jojo part 4 WHAT WILL I WATCH FOR MY JOJO FIX! All jokes aside this was a really good episode and a great way to wrap up this series , who was your favorite character that we were introduced to in this series and who is your favorite Jpjo so far out of all the ones we have seen from parts 1-4? Do you agree with my review and what do you think I missed out , I would love to know your thoughts and opinions.Feel free to join in on the conversation below in the comment box. Leave comments and discussions below and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to notified of more Jojo Anime reviews or other manga reviews and news from One Piece , Attack on Titan and much much much more. Remember Chris Is Talkin! Find me on anime amino- chrisIsTalkin twitter -   / chris_is_talkin   INSTA-chris_is_talkin facebook blog-