OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA DAY 5 🙏 June 22, 2023 🙏 Holy Rosary Today

OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA DAY 5 🙏 June 22, 2023 🙏 Holy Rosary Today

Welcome to the Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Day 5: Join this channel to get access to perks: https://bit.ly/JoinHolyRosaryToday Chapters 00:00 - Intro 00:33 - Sign of the Cross 00:39 - Act of Contrition 02:09 - Novena Prayer 05:31 - Prayer for the Home 06:46 - Petitions to Our Mother of Perpetual Help 08:10 - Act of Consecration 09:10 - Concluding Prayer 10:06 - Outro What's next? Pray the Luminous Mysteries of the Holy Rosary for today:    • THURSDAY HOLY ROSARY 💙 JUNE 22, 2023 ...   Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena List Day 1 -    • OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA DAY...   Day 2 -    • OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA DAY...   Day 3 -    • OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA DAY...   Day 4 -    • OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA DAY...   Pray more Novenas: Divine Mercy - https://bit.ly/3AH4bbL Holy Spirit - https://bit.ly/3OpQCp6 Sacred Heart of Jesus - https://bit.ly/42ptk6d St. Anthony - https://bit.ly/43mXdp9 Our Lady of Fatima - https://bit.ly/3nrwkkf Our Lady of Visitation - https://bit.ly/45xeddP St. Joseph the Worker - https://bit.ly/3Vm83bz Our Lady of Good Counsel - https://bit.ly/448Tk7Y St. Rita of Cascia - https://bit.ly/448Tk7Y St. John the Apostle - https://bit.ly/40WnGrs ********** 1. Begin withthe Sign of the Cross: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. 2. Act of Contrition My Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man, my loving Father and Redeemer, I humbly come before You, acknowledging the great sorrow I have caused Your compassionate Heart. Oh dear Jesus, how could I have offended You, and brought bitterness to the Heart that loves me so unconditionally? My ingratitude has been immense, and I am deeply sorrowful. But, my Savior, find solace, find solace in my repentance. I feel such sorrow for the afflictions I have brought upon You, that I wish to be consumed by this genuine remorse and contrition. O my Jesus, who else could make me weep for my sins, as You did during Your mortal life! My soul is burdened by the weight of having offended You. Eternal Father, as reparation for my offences, I offer You the anguish and sorrow, that pierced the Heart of Your Divine Son. And You, Loving Jesus, grant me a detestation of sin so profound, that I may avoid even the slightest faults, from this moment forward. Earthly attachments, depart from my heart, for I desire to love nothing but my most gracious Redeemer. O my Jesus, be my help, strengthen me, and grant me Your forgiveness. My Mother of Perpetual Help, intercede for me and obtain for me the pardon of my sins. 3. Novena Prayer Dear Mother of Perpetual Help, from the cross Jesus gave you to us for our Mother. You are the kindest, the most loving of all mothers. Look tenderly on us your children as we now ask you to help in all our needs. [Pause and mention your personal intentions] [Hail Mary, three times] While you were on earth, dear Mother you willingly shared in the sufferings of your Son. Strengthened by your faith and confidence in the fatherly love of God you accepted the mysterious designs of His Will. We too, have our crosses and trials. Sometimes they almost crush us to the ground. Dearest Mother share with us your abundant faith and confidence in God. Make us aware that God never ceases to love us; that He answers all our prayers in the way that is best for us. Strengthen our hearts to carry the cross in the footsteps of your Divine Son. Help us to realize that he who shares the cross of Christ will certainly share his resurrection. Dearest Mother, as we worry about our own problems let us not forget the needs of others. You always loved others so much; help us to do the same. While praying for our own intentions and for the intentions of all here present at this Novena we earnestly ask you, our Mother to help us comfort the sick and the dying give hope to the poor and the unemployed heal the broken hearted lighten the burden of the oppressed teach justice to their oppressors and bring back to God all those who have offended Him. Dearest Mother, help us to avoid sin which separates us from our heavenly Father and from one another. Full of trust in you we place ourselves under the mantle of your maternal protection and confidently hope for your powerful help. Amen. 4. Prayer for the Home 5. Petitions to Our Mother of Perpetual Help 6. Act of Consecration 7. Concluding Prayer (Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be) 8. End with the Sign of the Cross In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. #holyrosarytoday #OurLadyofPerpetualHelpNovenaDay5 #OurLadyofPerpetualHelp