Dragon Treasure Castle | Walking Tour 2025 | Upper Irisan, Baguio City
Step into a medieval fantasy brought to life, where stone towers, intricate archways, and a legendary dragon await. Experience the magic, mystery, and grandeur of this one-of-a-kind castle. Entrance Fees Regular - Php 165.00 PWD/Senior/Toddler/Students - Php 132.00 1 Year Below - FREE Parking Fees Private Vehicle - Php 50.00 Motorcycle - Php 30.00 Bus Php 100.00 Timestamps 0:00 Intro 1:06 Daytime Tour 9:35 Nighttime Tour 13:20 Birth of the Dragon (Apoy Dancers and Lyka Camdas) Don't forget to Subscribe to our channel - / @thebaguiochannel #dragontreasurecastle #baguiocity