Sunday Worship, December 12, 2021
Join us on Sunday, December 12, 2021 at 10:00a.m. (MST) as we #worship together and continue our Advent worship series, "Sharing the Good News of Advent: #Missionaries and #Immigration." Today we'll take at Mary and Joseph, the parents of Jesus, in the Christmas story and what they teach us about going where God sends us, here and beyond. We can't wait to connect with you virtually no matter when and from where you might be joining us. Welcome! Text: Isaiah 7:10-15 and Matthew 2:13-15 Title: “Joseph & Mary: Immigrants to Egypt” Theme: Joseph and Mary were Jesus’ parents. Not only were they called to bear the Son of God, but Joseph took them to another country. God’s people have been called from the beginning to go where God leads. What does it mean to us and to how we live our faith to consider Joseph, Mary and Jesus as immigrants? More on this series: This year during worship in Advent, we will read the familiar Nativity story through the lens of immigration and mission work. Who are the missionaries and immigrants in this familiar story? What are their callings? What is the message they are sharing? Perhaps as we find ourselves in their stories, we will learn our own callings. How and where are we called to share the Gospel message, the Good News of Jesus Christ? Join us during our hybrid worship services on December 5, 12 & 19 at 10:00a.m. MST. as we explore these questions and more! Online Bulletin: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D... Christmas Eve at Park Hill! Mark your calendar now to join us, December 24 for one or more of our Christmas Eve services. All times MST: 4:00p.m. - Family and Children's Focused Service - likely Hybrid on YouTube, Facebook, and in person at 5209 Montview Blvd. Denver, CO 6:00p.m. - Traditional Christmas Eve Service with carols and candles, Hybrid on YouTube, Facebook, and in person at 5209 Montview Blvd. Denver, CO 11:00p.m. Christmas at Home with carols and Holy Communion, Virtual only on YouTube and Facebook Check us out online: https://phumc.org/ Facebook: @ParkHillUMC Resources Used: Shine On: A Story Bible ©2014 Herald Press, used by permission of the publisher. CCLI Stream License Number: CSPL156733 CCS WorshipCast Streaming License Number: 11670