How To Fix Action Blocked Problem On Instagram

How To Fix Action Blocked Problem On Instagram

🚀 Social Media Growth Services: In this video I will show you how to fix action blocked problem on Instagram. You can get action blocked on Instagram if you follow or unfollow too many people or like too many photos in a short period of time. Luckily, you can fix this action blocked problem fast and easy. Follow these steps: 1. Open Instagram app and login to your Instagram profile. 2. Click on the menu icon at the top right corner of your screen. 3. From the drop-down menu select “Settings and privacy”. 4. Scroll down and tap on “Help” section and select “Report a problem. 5. Select “Report problem without shaking”. 6. Select “Include and continue”. 7. Type in your problem. In this case, just type in “My account has been action blocked for no reason. Please fix this issue” and click on “Send” at the top right corner of your screen. 8. Afterwards, log out from your Instagram profile. Done! Action block removal usually takes anywhere from 5 minutes to a few hours. So, give your account some rest and log back in only after a few hours. Once you log back in, action block should be removed. That’s it. I hope this guide was helpful and you were able to fix action blocked problem on Instagram. Please press thumbs up if this video was helpful. If you still have any questions just leave a comment down below. See you in the next one! Read the article on our blog: