Kerala Style Thani Nadan Kozhi Curry Recipe In Malayalam | Chicken Curry Malayalam Recipe |

Kerala Style Thani Nadan Kozhi Curry Recipe In Malayalam | Chicken Curry Malayalam Recipe |

The taste of Nadan kozhi serving in shappu is very tasy. this curry is a very popular chicken curry in Kerala and it goes well with Kerala style parotta or any Indian bread, pathiri, appam, plain rice or ghee rice. This Kerala chicken is made in 10minute. after having this this will be your favourite. marination chicken-2kg coconut oil-2sp garammasala -1sp salt turmericpowder-1sp pepper powder-1sp shallot-200gm onion-3nos greenchilly -4nos drychilly -4nos ginger garlic paste-2sp garammasala -1sp kashmeeri chillypowder-1sp coriander powder-1sp redchilly powder-2sp coconut-1/2coconut fennelseed -2sp curryleaves coconutoil-2sp mustard-1spn coconut slice-1cup chicken to be marinated with garam masala salt turmeric powder and pepper powder leave it for resting. coconut to be fried with coconut oil, curryleaves and fennelseed. leave it for cooling.and grind it in a mixi. then place a pan and add coconut pil to it and add mustard to it. then add curryleaves. saute it well.then add shallot and saute well. after 5minute add onion to it and saute well. thenn add turmeric oil to it. kashmeeri chilly powder to be added. and add coconut slice to it and saute well.turmeric powder, chilly powder ginger garlic paste to be added to it and saute well for 5minutes. thenn add chicken to it and mix it well. then add grinded coconut to it. add enough water also. cooki it well. then add garam masala and cook well until the gravu in to a pasty texture. #keralastylechickencurryrecipeinmalayalam #nadankozhicurry #kozhicurrymalayalamrecipe #chickencurry #shappukozhicurryrecipe #chickencurrymalayalam #എളുപ്പത്തിൽഒരുകോഴിക്കറി #keralastylechickencurryrecipeinmalayalam #simpleandeasyrecipe #chickencurryrecipeinmalayalam #chickencurry #chickenrecipe #chickenrecipemalayalam #anithastastycorner #chickencurrykeralastyle #chickencurryrecipimalayalam #chickencurryrecipi #chickencurymalayalm #chikkencurryrecipe #keralachickencurry #keralastylechickenrecipe #keralastylechickencuryrecipeinmalayalam #nadanchickencurry #anithastastycornerchickencurry #viralvideopalappam #palappamviralvideo #howtomakecgickencurry #chickenroastrecipeinmalayalam #chickenrecipesinmalayalam #chickenrecipemalayalam #easychickencurrurecipemalayalam #nadanchickencurry #varietychickenrecipes #cateringchickencurryrecipe #chickencurryrecipekerala #cookingmalayalam #foodrecipesmalayalam #10minutechickencurry Kerala Style Thani Nadan Kozhi Curry Recipe In Malayalam | Chicken Curry Malayalam Recipe |