Make sure to hydrate before and after watching subliminal!!! This Subliminal consist of POSITIVE and POWERFUL AFFIRMATIONS, along with FREQUENCIES . The frequencies that were used 432hz , 639hz and 528hz !!!! Make sure to listen to subliminal at a volume that is comfortable for you . If the frequencies are too intense turn down the volume , it will still be very effective . This subliminal can be bundled This subliminal is also good for -Protection -Removing self-doubt -Removing any blockages -Manifesting self love -Manifesting true love -Manifesting healthy relationships -Attracting stable and loving partner -Attracting loyal and committed partner What are subliminal’s ? “Subliminal” means below threshold of conscious perception. The subliminal audio refers to sounds played at a level that we can’t hear consciously but our subconscious mind can perceive. What does your subliminals consist of? Powerful, positive and uplifting affirmations which sole purpose is to shift and change your reality ! This is done by eliminating any self-doubt and replacing it with positivity and confidence. Also I add frequencies to layer the effectiveness of the subliminal. Are headphones needed ? No , you can listen with or without headphones. How long should I listen to subliminal ? For best results make sure to listen at least once . The more often you listen the more effective ! For Rapid results listen for 3-5 times a day for 21 consecutive days . FYI Make sure to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water . It’s important to do this when manifesting. You can bundle with other subliminals. I’m grateful to use my gift and share it will the world . The mind is so powerful and we can change our whole reality by changing what we feed our minds ! Positive vibes only ! It’s time to shift your reality! Much love Music by SouthStreet24-Media #powerfulsubliminal #attractlove #manifestlove