Making Butter at Home from Fresh Cream
Welcome to the Ballerina Farm Kitchen where we'll be showing you how to make butter from fresh cream with two of the littlest helpers in the farm kitchen. It gets both messy and delicious! Thanks for watching! Hannah, Daniel, and Family For More Information on Ballerina Farm: https://ballerinafarm.com/ Watch our Dairy Announcement Video HERE: • Introducing the Dairy and Creamery - ... VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS ================ 00:00 How to Make HomeMade Butter from Fresh Cream 01:00 Skimming the Cream off the Milk - Whole Milk vs Skim 02:25 Set up the Kitchenade Mixer to Whip the Cream 03:46 Whipping the Cream - Making a Mess 05:15 Clean Up While We Wait for Butter 06:03 Why You Should Never Walk Away While Making Butter 08:05 The Moment it Turns to Butter 10:00 Squeeze the Buttermilk Out of the Butter and Rinse 11:35 Wrap and Refrigerate 11:47 Real, Fresh, Buttermilk 12:43 How We Use Our Cow's 2 Gallons of Milk per Day For mountain-raised meats shipped nationwide, sourdough starters, recipes, and more visit our Farm Store for Direct Shipping to your Home: ===================================================== https://ballerinafarm.com/collections... BALLERINA FARM SOURDOUGH KIT: https://ballerinafarm.com/collections... FOR MORE OF HANNAH'S RECIPES: https://ballerinafarm.com/pages/recipes FRESH FLOWERS STRAIGHT TO YOUR DOOR: https://ballerinafarmflowers.com/ SHARING OUR DREAM WITH YOU This channel is all about the adventures, hard work, and farm lifestyle chosen by two city kids who wanted live the dream of modern farming, while preserving the quality of life found in traditional home cooking and living off the land. Nestled in the fertile, mountain valleys of Utah, Ballerina Farm is named after Hannah, a former Miss New York City and graduate of the Juilliard School of Dance. Daniel is a history major and now holds his MBA to guide the ever-growing business. The children are wild, hardworking, and homeschooled by their mother as they learn to farm, rodeo, dance, and grow barefoot and free. Watch for regular episodes of our day-to-day adventures, farming, homemade sourdough, the business of farming, and reaching your dreams while raising a family. For More Information on Ballerina Farm: https://ballerinafarm.com/ Find our short stories on Instagram and TikTok Hannah's Stories - @ballerinafarm Daniel's Stories - @hogfathering #homemadebutter #farmlife #butter #homemade #rawmilk