What causes Scalp Ringworm? ✅ Effective Treatment (Tinea Capitis)

What causes Scalp Ringworm? ✅ Effective Treatment (Tinea Capitis)

What causes Scalp Ringworm? What Is Scalp Ringworm? Tinea capitis is a type of dermatophytosis. A dermatophyte infection occasionally causes a kerion, which is a large, painful, inflamed, swollen patch on the scalp that sometimes oozes pus. Ringworm is contagious. It can be passed from one person to another by direct skin contact or by contaminated objects, such as unwashed clothing or combs. Ringworm can be on parts of the scalp. Round, bald patches with black dots where the hair has broken off. The areas of the body that ringworm typically affects include the: 👉 Hands 👉 Groin 👉 Feet Fungi grow well in warm, moist areas, so ringworm often develops between the toes, in the groin area, or in skin folds. ⚠ Ringworm won’t go away on its own. Medicine and a special antifungal shampoo can cure it. ❤️ Please like, comment and subscribe!    / @mycapilbloghair   Follow me on: 🌐 Blog: https://mycapil.com/en/ __________________________________________ 🎥 Telogen Effluvium | Hair Loss | Hair Shedding:    • ✅ Telogen Effluvium | Hair Loss | Hai...   🎥 Alopecia AREATA 👉 Causes, diagnosis and Treatments:    • Alopecia AREATA 👉 Causes, diagnosis a...   🎥 Hair Transplants: Do They Last Forever? THE TRUTH:    • Hair Transplants: Do They Last Foreve...   🎥 Can Wearing A HAT Contribute To BALDNESS?:    • Can Wearing A HAT Contribute To BALDN...   #ScalpRingworm