Automatic Data Formatting Feature in Excel (VBA) - Urdu | Hindi

Automatic Data Formatting Feature in Excel (VBA) - Urdu | Hindi

In this video you will learn how to formatting any data in excel within seconds with the help of VBA for life time. VBA Code : Sub Format_Data() Dim rng As Range Dim Header_confirmation As Integer Header_confirmation = MsgBox("Is first row headers?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion) With Selection .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter .Borders.LineStyle = xlHairline .Borders.Weight = xlThin .Borders.ColorIndex = 15 .EntireRow.RowHeight = 15 .EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = 15 .Font.Name = "Calibri" .Font.Size = 10 .Font.Italic = False .Font.Bold = False .Font.Underline = False .Interior.Color = xlNone .Font.ColorIndex = 1 End With ActiveWindow.DisplayGridlines = False If Header_confirmation = vbNo Then Exit Sub Dim cel As Range Dim c1, c2 As Integer Dim r As Long For Each cel In Selection c1 = cel.Column r = cel.Row Exit For Next c2 = Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column With Range(Cells(r, c1), Cells(r, c2)) .Font.Bold = True .Interior.ColorIndex = 23 .Font.ColorIndex = 2 .Font.Size = 11 End With End Sub __________________________________________________________________________ Hide Excel Worksheet in Smart Way - Urdu | Hindi    • Hide Excel Worksheet in Smart Way - U...   How to Paste on Filtered Cells in Excel - Hindi | Urdu    • How to Paste on Filtered Cells in Exc...   ForLife Importance of Healthy Lifestyle, Healthy Food, Role of Food Supplement Top 70 Excel Shortcut Keys - Improve your Excel skills    • Top 70 Excel Shortcut Keys - Improve ...   Sum & Count by Cell Color in Excel - Urdu | Hindi    • Sum & Count by Cell Color in Excel - ...   Vlookup by cell color in excel - Hindi / Urdu    • Vlookup by cell color in excel - Hind...   How to Split Data into Multiple Workbooks - Urdu/Hindi    • How to Split Data into Multiple Workb...   Merge List of Values into Single Cell in Excel - Urdu/ Hindi    • Merge List of Values into Single Cell...   How to Extract Comments from Cells in Excel - Urdu / Hindi    • How to Extract Comments from Cells in...   How to Count Unique & Duplicate Values in Excel - Urdu / Hindi    • How to Count Unique & Duplicate Value...   Copy Content Format, Formula & Text across Worksheet in Excel    • Copy Content | Format | Formula | Tex...   Double Vlookup | Get Data from Multiple Workbooks    • Double Vlookup in Excel | Get Data fr...   Advance Subtotal & Total in Excel | Hindi / Urdu    • Advance Subtotal & Total in Excel | H...   COUNTIFS & SUMIFS | Calculate Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly | Hindi /Urdu    • COUNTIFS & SUMIFS | Calculate Monthly...   Flash Fill in Excel (Save your time)    • How to use Flash Fill Function in Excel   Create Table of Content Index Match - Find Multiple Matches    • Index Match - Find Multiple Matches   Merge Data from Multiple sheets into single sheet Excel Top 5 Formula: How to break Excel Workbook Password: Import Multiple Files from folder into Single Excel Sheet: How to Clean all type of errors, spaces, bugs etc. in excel: