Context Required

Context Required

This video is a short series of randomly selected clips from multiple sources. The idea being that seeing all of these clips isolated from their original context would cause you to speculate and question what their circumstances of creation were. The clips had not relation to each other aside from all of them being available for viewing on Youtube. ____________________________________________________________________ Clips Source List: Bat Shark | Mary Shelley's Frankenhole | Adult Swim    • Bat Shark | Mary Shelley's Frankenhol...   How It's Actually Made - Ice Cream    • How It's Actually Made - Ice Cream   Iron Man 2 - Alternate Opening    • Iron Man 2 - Alternate Opening   Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Loompa Land    • Loompa Land - Charlie and the Chocola...   Binging with Babish: Car Panini from Family Guy    • Binging with Babish: Car Panini from ...   Plants vs. Zombies Wall-nut Gets Bitten    • Plants vs. Zombies Wall-nut Gets Bitten   The Spirit - Nostalgia Critic    • The Spirit - Nostalgia Critic   you've heard of guitar hero    • you've heard of guitar hero   Vlog | Season 2 | Week 5    • Vlog | Season 2 | Week 5   Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures - Flight of the Gungans    • Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures - F...   Jackie Chan vs the Axe Clan    • Jackie Chan vs the Axe Clan   Corn on the Cob - You Suck at Cooking (episode 45)    • Corn on the Cob - You Suck at Cooking...   Grilled Grilled Cheese    • Grilled Grilled Cheese   The Cosleeper Next to the Preserved Brain Collection | Aqua Teen Hunger | Adult Swim    • Video   The Routine: Time for a Shave.    • The Routine: Time for a Shave.