Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship 2024
Join us at Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, MN for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship. December 24, 2024. To download the bulletin, tap here: http://bit.ly/LOTIBulletin To make a contribution to our online giving, tap here: https://loti.org/donate-now/ Subscribe and Tap the 🔔 to get notified when we are live, or post new videos. Join our mailing list: https://bit.ly/lotimailinglist Our location in Minneapolis, MN, is on the shores of Lake of the Isles is a wonderful foundation for the great Lutheran tradition of thoughtful worship, uplifting liturgy, and joyful song. Worship varies with the seasons as reflected by changes in liturgy, music, lessons, and colors of the altar paraments. Pastor Arden and the music staff select liturgical settings according to the church year and calendar. The elements of these settings are planned to enhance one’s encounter with the Spirit, including elements of silence, especially following the sermon, to allow for reflection and prayer. An Order of Worship for each service is published in a Worship Service Bulletin, to provide accessibility to the congregation, members and guests alike. We also use Evangelical Lutheran Worship, the ELCA hymnal. Our youth participate in worship by joining together at the altar for children’s sermons, singing in choirs, and serving as acolytes, readers, and ushers. In each season, Pastor Arden’s sermons and our traditional-contemporary, blended service, bring a renewed sense of purpose and a refreshed spirit to those who gather here. Faith is a journey, and we welcome you, whether you are walking on a new path or a well-traveled road. Chapters: 00:00 #LOTI #Minneapolis #ELCA Liturgy and hymnody used under CCLI license #1821244 and or OneLicense.net #A-704053