Ratchet & Clank Quest For Booty (Part 1)

Ratchet & Clank Quest For Booty (Part 1)

Ratchet and Talwyn arrived on a Pirate fleet on Planet Merdegraw. As revealed to by Rusty Pete in a prologue, the pair traveled to Merdegraw after learning from IRIS of a pirate named Captain Darkwater, who was an expert on Zoni culture. They encountered Rusty Pete holding the head of Captain Romulus Slag, who was apparently still not over his Captain's death. Pete's sudden outcry of surprise at seeing Ratchet and Talwyn attract the attention of the pirates. The leader of the pirates, Sprocket, told the pair that Captain Darkwater was dead and proceeded to shoot Ratchet out of a cannon, only to have him land on an adjacent pirate ship. Ratchet and Talwyn managed to fight their way through various ships but were inevitably captured and thrown into another cannon. Sprocket commanded the pirates to blast them towards Morrow Caverns before Rusty Pete intervened. Pete pretended to be Captain Slag by putting his head on and manages to fool the pirates into shooting Ratchet and Talwyn towards Hoolefar Island, where they 'would find exactly what they were looking for'. Sprocket agreed and the pirates blasted Ratchet and Talwyn towards the island. Ratchet woke up on the shore of Hoolefar Island and saw Clank suspended in mid-air in a blue energy field, asking if he was alright. Before Ratchet could grab him, Clank disappeared just as Talwyn landed next to him. Ratchet was convinced Rusty Pete sent them to the island for a reason and traversed the wilderness before reaching another beach. The pair were greeted by Barnabus Worley, the Mayor of Hoolefar Island. Mayor Worley told them their supply beacon didn't work, meaning that communication with Pete (or anyone else for that matter) was impossible. Ratchet offered to fix the five wind turbines and managed to connect the power couplings by using a Versa bolt bought from the Smuggler. During the repairs, Talwyn told Ratchet that the villagers talked about a "curse" but did not give any more details. After fixing the beacon, the Mayor showed Ratchet the Obsidian Eye, the most powerful lorernthzian telescope in the known universe. Darkwater apparently built it to keep in contact with the Zoni. Unfortunately, the Eye didn't work as its power source; the Fulcrum Star, was with Darkwater's body in Morrow Caverns. Darkwater wrote in his journal that he had cursed his body so that anyone who disturbed him would resurrect himself and his crew, explaining why Talwyn mentioned such a curse before. Rusty Pete arrived at the island and told them of Darkwater's ship, offering to take the pair there. Pete brought them to Morrow Caverns, where Talwyn accidentally became trapped behind an old door. Ratchet then had the choice of promising to save her or not, prompting a response from Pete. After navigating through the caves and across the old shipping rails, Ratchet found Darkwater's dismembered head on the ship and picked up a map which fell out of it. Rusty Pete boarded the ship as well and offered to check for booby traps. He suddenly stuck the head of Captain Slag on Darkwater's body and an eerie green light was cast all over the caverns. Slag was now in control of the body and kicked Ratchet off the ship, but true to his journal, Darkwater's cursed spirit also inhabited it, meaning the two enemy pirates had to share the body between each other. As Darkwater's crew begin to rise from the dead, Ratchet made his way back to the barge they came on and had a choice to free Talwyn or run from Morrow Caverns. Regardless of his choice, Ratchet returned to Hoolefar and had to defend the island from Slag/Darkwater. f Ratchet rescued Talwyn, she aided him in the fight against the undead Pirates. If Talwyn was left behind, she returned to the island using her booster pack, angry at Ratchet for leaving her and claiming she knew how Clank must feel.