December 20, 2020 Worship Livestream

December 20, 2020 Worship Livestream

This is an unedited livestream of our worship service from Sunday, December 8, 2020. Pastor Cyndi preaches on Luke 1:26-38. Calvary Baptist Church is an American Baptist fellowship in South Whitehall, Pennsylvania. 0:00 Prelude 2:58 Welcome and Announcements 9:10 Special Music: Jehovah The Lord with Provide 11:15 Lighting of the Advent Candle of Love 13:07 Children's Chat 16:55 Piano Duet 19:40 Morning Prayer 26:51 Scripture: Luke 1:26-38 28:58 Sermon 36:30 Special Music: Joy to the World 38:15 Benediction 38:55 Postlude VISIT OUR WEBSITE: Facebook:   / calvarybaptist.atown   Twitter:   / calvary_atown   Instagram:   / calvarybaptist.atown